K P Sharma Oli Becomes the First Prime Minister to Ride a Car Powered by Locally Produced Hydrogen in Nepal

Sun, Sep 01, 2024 10:08 AM

Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli has ridden in a car powered by green hydrogen fuel produced in Nepal. During the second phase of the 29th convocation ceremony of Kathmandu University on Friday, Prime Minister Oli not only rode the hydrogen car but also inaugurated a hydrogen refueling station.

Prime Minister Oli traveled from the university campus to the convocation site in the hydrogen car, making him the first prime minister to ride in a car powered by locally produced hydrogen fuel in Nepal.

After the ceremony, he interacted with PhD students involved in hydrogen-related research at the university. He also expressed the commitment of the Nepal government to swiftly bring necessary policies and regulations to commercially promote green hydrogen technology.

Since Shrawan 2077 BS, Kathmandu University has been conducting research by establishing a green hydrogen laboratory with the support of Nepal Oil Corporation. This research studies the potential use of green hydrogen as a substitute for coal in the urea fertilizer factory, iron ore processing, and cement industry. However, while the university has succeeded in production, it seems there will still be some time needed for its commercial use. To give shape to this, the government has already passed the National Hydrogen Policy 2080 and is currently in the process of formulating the necessary acts, rules, directives, and procedures for its implementation.

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