Swarojgar Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Opens FPO from Today

Kathmandu, Falgun 18. Swarojgar Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd has launched its FPO from today. This microfinance has issued an FPO valued at 19,577,300 rupees.
Applications for the FPO can be submitted until Falgun 21. If all shares are not sold during this period, applications can be submitted until Chaitra 3, as stated by the company. A minimum of 10 lots and a maximum of 1,000 lots can be applied for in this FPO.
According to the company, 195,773 shares have been issued at a face value of 100 rupees per share. The microfinance has issued the FPO to maintain a capital structure of 30 percent for the public, as per Clause 9 of the Banking and Financial Institutions Act 2073.
Shares can be subscribed through C-ASWA registered banks and financial institutions and my shares. NMB Capital is the issue and sales manager for the company's share issuance.
The credit rating agency ICRA Nepal has given this FPO a 'ICRA Issuer Rating Double B Minus', indicating that it is moderately secure in its capacity to meet financial obligations. ICRA Nepal provided this rating on Shrawan 14, 2081. This rating will remain effective until Shrawan 13, 2082.