Now Odd Lot Trades Can Be Posted on Share Hub: Here's How to Place Orders

"Odd Lot Buy/Sell Marketplace" Available on Share Hub!
Investors often found it challenging to buy/sell odd lots (less than 10 units). Odd lot orders do not appear in the market depth on TMS, which forced investors to post their shares for sale or purchase on social media or other platforms.
Now, you can easily post your odd lot orders in the Odd Lot Buy/Sell Marketplace on Share Hub. This will connect buyers and sellers in one place.
How to Post Odd Lot Orders on Share Hub?
1️⃣ Open the Marketplace: Go to the Share Hub's Odd Lot Buy Sell .
2️⃣ Post an Order: Enter the stock name, quantity, price, and specify whether you want to buy or sell.
3️⃣ Find Matching Orders: Check for desired stocks by looking at orders posted by other investors.
4️⃣ Contact Directly: Once you find a match for your order, you can easily contact them to complete the transaction.
Why Use It?
✅ No more hassle of posting on social media!
✅ Orders will reach multiple investors.
✅ The buying/selling process will be quick and convenient.
Now, there will be no problem buying or selling odd lot shares! Post your order today in the Odd Lot Marketplace on Share Hub! 🚀
Don't forget to mark the order as "Completed" after fulfillment: This will ensure that completed orders will not be visible to other users.