Ridi Power Finalize Book Closure Date

Ridi Power Company has set the closing date for the sale of 50% equity shares. The company has decided the book closure on Magh 22. Only shareholders holding shares until Magh 21 will be eligible to apply for the equity shares.
The Nepal Securities Board has granted the company permission to issue a total of 77 Lakhs 44 thousand and 506 shares at a 1: 0.5 ratio. Accordingly, at a face value of Rs. 100, the company plans to raise Rs. 77 Crore 44 Lakh 50 thousand and 600 by issuing 7744506 shares.
Currently, Ridi Power Company has a total current paid-up capital of Rs. 1.54 Arba. After the equity share issuance, the paid-up capital is expected to reach Rs. 2.32 Arba.